Our Value Proposition

By invitation only. Our circle is limited to 24 participants.

Three days in the Engadin. We create a circle that leads to impact that could not have been achieved alone. A hell of a good time you won’t forget.

In the long term:
Friendship. Entrepreneurs support one another’s personal growth and connections will be formed by being involved. As Far As we can change the world together.

The Package (Services incl.)


Hotel Waldhaus Sils
A family affair since 1908
Via da Fex 3 CH-7514 Sils-Maria

3 nights breakfast included

Personal coach Casper ter Kuile is leading our sessions on Friday and Saturday, closing on Sunday lunchtime.

Thursday: Welcome reception and dinner at Rolf’s Olympia Stadium
Friday and Saturday: Dinner at a special location
Sunday: Brunch at Olympia

We will provide e-bikes for the three days, as an alternative there will be shuttles arranged.

We will provide you with short bios from selected participants.


We do not make any profits. The costs will be divided entirely among the participants. Participants should expect to cover the following average per-person costs:

Participation Package: 5500,– Euro
Where and When

3—6 October 2024
St Moritz, Engadin, Switzerland

Arrival: Thursday, 3d October 2024, by 18—19 pm
Reception: Olympia Stadium
Departure: Sunday, 6th October 2024


As Far As GmbH
Schönhauser Allee 8
10119 Berlin

Founders: Dario Suter, Lenard F. Krawinkel
Honorary Patron: Rolf Sachs